Weekend Visitors



Ed, Linda, Bob, and Winnie came up Saturday afternnon for a visit. Bob was not able to get his car up the hill, we had to go and pick them up with the truck. We grilled some steaks and had a few cocktails. We had coffee by Brenda’s firepit this morning after our hike. Its another weekend of of 70 degree weather, I don’t know how we make it through!!! 

Cabin Life - February 6, 2011
Cabin Life - February 19, 2011


  1. Why couldn’t Bob make it up was it wet. I am sure you had a great weekend with your company. Love ya both, Mom and Dad

    1. Marilyn, looks like we were blogging together. Hope you and Don are enjoying the heat wave you are having compared to last week!

      1. We are it is surprising when 40’s and 50’s are a heat wave for us

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