Tomato Soup from the Garden

Dennis has a overload of tomatoes ripe in the garden, so today Bob made a fresh tomato soup.

Garden Tomatoes
Garden Tomatoes
Fire Roast to remove the skins and add flavor
Fire Roast to remove the skins and add flavor
In the pot to simmer
In the pot to simmer
Time to work on the Guesthouse
Time to work on the Guesthouse
Add some basil at the end.
Add some basil at the end.
Serve with grilled cheese and homemade caesar salad.
Serve with grilled cheese and homemade caesar salad.
Cielo Kennel
Last days of Summer Swim


  1. Nice load of tomatoes. Erik and I didn’t get much this year although we did have a good amount of Italian squash. I’ll have to try that soup, although I will have to buy a small grill in order to fire roast them first.

  2. I can almost taste that soup. Great meal. Bob is busy working on the guest house as usual. Such busy guys.

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