David and Erik visit to see stars…

But they are somewhat foiled by clouds. Saturday night was very cloudy, and Sunday it looked to be the same. Luckily there were a few breaks and David got to see some stars. Then heavy drizzle on Monday sent them home. It still was a good visit. Ginger really likes seeing David’s dogs. And we enjoyed the humans.

[album: https://cielogrande.net/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/David and Erik Nov. 7 2010/]

Bottle Wall Light Working
Tiles for Guesthouse


  1. It’s a great place to look at the stars as we all know. Glad you had a nice visit with the humans and the dogs. Love you lots.

  2. Hi I am sure the dogs enjoyed it there and the guys as well. Nice fire and the sunset was pretty. It is warmer today in the mid 60’s and sunny. Miss the guest house and you guys. Love you both, Mom and Dad

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