Cabin Life – Trip to Pioneertown

For years Bob has wanted to go to Pioneertown and see The Sunday Band at Pappy and Harriet’s near Yucca Valley in the Mojave Desert. The timing never seemed to work out, but a month ago we planned to go last Sunday. Then we found out that the Joe’s were coming to Palm Desert for the weekend to pick up a dog and would be there Sunday until noon. We got up early (Bob had opening night of “Aida” the night before) met with Rodney, Barb, Erin, Sophia, and Watson for breakfast. Afterwards we headed toward Yucca Valley. We had seen a California’s Gold show about an unusual building called the Integratron near there and had signed up for a Sound Bath at 2 pm. The building Was supposedly built from plans an Alien from a UFO gave the builder. It was supposed to generate energy, but was never turned on. The dome though has good acoustics and the owners now use musical bowls to make for a very interesting experience. Then we made our way to Pioneertown, an old movie set from Hollywood and had dinner at Pappy and Harriet’s. Then, we watched The Sunday Band which includes a favorite musician of Bob’s, Victoria Williams. The band was very good and we stayed for their whole first set.

[dmalbum path=”/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/April 22 2013/”/]

Cabin Life - April 17, 2013
Cabin Life - April 27, 2013


  1. Thanks for the update on your trip, I admit to being confused about where all this was taking place. I am happy that a dream that you had finally came through. It looked like it was your kind of tourist attraction from the pictures. Still waiting for the picture of your healed thumb, Dennis. Haha!

  2. These are great pictures and it looks very interesting. Did you both do the music relaxation? Watson and Ginger seemed to really get along. Was a wonderful day trip for you two. I hear your thumb is healed now, Dennis.

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