Weekend in Vegas

This weekend Louise and Jim came on Thursday for a quick visit. Friday we went down to Borrego for dinner and Louise got a chance to see the scorpion sculpture. For Saturday Louise had bought tickets to see Debbie Reynolds and Don Rickles in Pala. Bob had to work that night, but Dennis went and felt really young. On Sunday Bob and Dennis made an overnight trip to Las Vegas to see Roseanne do her stand up comedy at the Laugh Factory in the Tropicana. On the way home Sunday we took a hike with Ginger at Red Rock Canyon.

[dmalbum path=”/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/February 18 2013/”/]

Cabin Life - February 09 , 2013
Cabin Life - March 2, 2013


  1. Great pictures, looks like you had great weather. Better than ours when we tried to golf in Paso Robles on our way home. Too cold and foggy…….We had a great time as usual at Cielo Grande and Debbie Reynolds and Don Rickles were alright but it was disappointing to see how they had aged. Love you both!

  2. The scorpion is amazing isn’t it. That sunset was beautiful. The red rocks are pretty. I am sure Ginger had a fine time. Was the show good?

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