Cabin Life – July 23, 2012

Dennis’ birthday was last week, but no pictures from it…sorry Marilyn. Tim did suggest a good restaurant in town called Brooklyn Girl Eatery in Mission Hills and we had a nice dinner with Mike and Marty joining Tim and Ed. Then we went back to Tim and Ed’s house and Christy (Ed’s niece that lives next door) served some good cheesecake.

Finally a weekend with us both off. The weather was hot and humid, but we worked through it to get some projects done. The car garaged door was not closing right and it seemed the sun was hitting the safety sensors so we moved them back a bit and it seems to be working now. This week the counter tops for the Guesthouse should be done and we got the plywood secure on the counters and cut the hole for the new sink. Then we started on installing the cat door between the garage and house.

Sunday night we went for dinner with Ed and Linda and Ed was in a creative construction mood. He has been thinking of our remodel to open the wall between the dining room and the garage. Let’s just say it involves stairs and a dormer and better access to the loft. It is very intriguing and may be a very good idea. In two weeks they plan to come stay and help draw up a plan. What a support Ed has been to making Cielo Grande what it is.

This week Bob starts work on “Memphis” for a week.

[dmalbum path=”/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/July 23 2012/”/]

Cabin Life - July 4, 2012
New Counters Arrive


  1. Jim and I could plan a trip to help with the kitchen counters, let us know when you plan to do them.

    1. It will be. But you may have to help train them to use it. They mostly like to be in the Garage, but during the heat of the day I like them to come into the house, or at least be able to if they are too hot.

  2. Plums looked good even if they are done. Sorry no pics of Dennis’s birthday but glad you had a good meal and friends. You guys are so busy doing projects all the time. The counter top will be great with the new sink. Pretty soon free rein for the cats to come and go. Love you guys.

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