Outside Shower at Guesthouse Burns Down

SDG&E had given notice that the power may be out for 8 hours today. When we went to the Guesthouse to take a shower with the generator to run the hot water, Bob was shocked when he turned the corner and the outside shower was burned down! We had to come to town for work, but it looks like when we had strong winds last week the mirror on the shower wall blew away enough for the sun to catch it this week and magnify it to heat up the top railing. The other day we noticed water coming up by some pipes in the cement by the front door. It looked like it was coming from the water pipe. We could hear the pressure tank running, but after we chipped out the cement we discovered the water was draining from an electrical pipe. We think that was coming from the back where a hose bib was leaking. Today the pressure tank was still running, and now we know why. The outside shower at the Guesthouse was running hot and cold water for days. The place is falling apart! No power today, so some pictures tomorrow.

Mike comes for a visit
Here we go with some pictures


  1. Oh dear, what a disaster, I am so sorry to hear all this news. I haven’t looked at the pictures yet but I will in a minute.

  2. How terrible that was such a nice shower. Guess you can’t have a mirror in there all the time. So sorry to hear about it. It didn’t damage the house did it? Was the water pipe at the main house leaking or by the guest house. Love you guys

    1. You put it where we wanted. And we should have thought about it, since the mirror by the shower by the A-Frame almost started a fire years ago.

    2. That oops, sounds a little like Rick Perry and you know where that got him. We love you, Butch. 🙂

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