Guesthouse sleepover


Dennis and Ginger enjoy a night at the guesthouse. Bob had to stay in town last night for the show Mary Poppins, and it is here for another week. I could get used to waking up to this view…

Tile finished


    1. Very Funny! Why would I be scared by myself at the guesthouse, and not at the main house? I think you were projecting your fear of being alone up there with the lions and tigers and bears!! Good thing Brenda is always there to protect you from all the scary critters.

  1. So happy you are enjoying the view! Wishing I was there enjoying it too! Miss you guys

  2. It’s a view you never take for granted….after just returning from Alaska the view from the guesthouse is still my favorite. Lots of love sent your way!

  3. It is the best view possible. Can’t wait till I use it. Love you both.

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