Rim Bear Ranch Trip

Just returned from a nice weekend at Rick and Jay’s place near Payson, AZ. Both of the guys are Volunteer Fireman and there was lots of talk of the fire danger and big fires in Arizona. Luckily we were there for the first day of the Monsoon, which made the locals happy for the rain. Jay turns 50 later this month and Rick made a big party for him.

[album: https://cielogrande.net/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/July 4 2011/]

Cabin Life - June 26, 2011
Don and Brenda Visit Begins


  1. Beautiful day today not too hot, but sunny with a breeze. Love the saddle seats by the bar. Happy 4th of July and love you both.

  2. Wow, what a bash..I hope you brought back that “50” hat for Dennis’ birthday! Looks like fun was had by all………..Love you guys!

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