Date Shake


Time for a quick date shake in Indio on our trip home from AZ.

Morning walk



It was a cool 88 degrees for our 6:00 am walk. We are headed up to the mountains today, where it should be a little cooler.

Evening Swim



Nice night for a swim at the sand beach pool at our hotel.

Cabin Life – June 26, 2011

We finished putting up the metal on Patio cover. We also put the metal on Guesthouse shower walls. We need to get some flashing for the tops of the walls so water doesn’t get behind the panels. Bob did some more touch up painting around the property.

[album: 26 2011/]

Cabin Life – June 20, 2011

Louise and Jim come for a visit. Saturday, David and Erik stop by for lunch after taking their dogs to rattlesnake training. Then in the evening Shadow Mountain had their Wine Club Member appreciation BBQ. Bob and Dennis volunteered to help out with the event. Louise and Jim enjoyed the nice evening. There was a Silent Auction and Louise won several items. We figure proceeds went to offset cost of the event.

Sunday we drove into Ramona to get supplies to work on the outside shower at the Guesthouse and to work on putting the metal roof on patio cover by the A-Frame. Bob had to scrape and paint the cover which was peeling from Winter storms. We got the first two panels of metal up. It should make for some good shade.

Sunday night we had pasta dinner with Italian sausage and beets from the garden.

[album: 20 2011/]

Wine opener test



Testing out the new wine opener and Bob trying out his new Kentucky Bourbon.

Silent Auction



Bob poured wine for guests at the wine club members BBQ dinner. Louise standing by the wine opener she won at the silent auction.