Parque del Buen Retiro

On the way to dinner we took a stroll through the park. It was starting to get dark so we’ll check it out again tomorrow. It was a nice time to be there.

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Walk to the Palace

After some tapas and a cerveza we took a tour of the Palacio
Real and Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la

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After a long day of flying, morning coffee in Plaza Mayor.


More gravel for the road

Neighbors are working on the roads. More gravel. Oh joy!


Luckily most is for the trails, but Mike said some is for the road up the hill. It was just getting nice. Of course, they know better.

Close Call on Morning Walk

Fearless skunk along the trail on the far side of the road. Ginger was good about leaving it alone and coming when I called her.


Shadow Mountain Milestone

Pam and Alex invited us to Pam’s Milestone Birthday brunch. It was a nice day.

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New Look to the Drive Home

Posts went up yesterday to finish the cattle guard. They are quite impressive.

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Cabin Life – September 8, 2013

Got the green wall in the kitchen repainted today. Bob cut in and Dennis did the roller. Dennis also got the spa cleaned with fresh water for Marilyn’s visit. And Bob put the base coat of paint on the new cabinet for the Guesthouse. No rain today, so Ginger got to play a lot of ball.

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Our Turn for Rain

Big storm today.  Over .5 inch so far.  Ginger isn’t thrilled. She doesn’t like thunder.

