Meeting Watson



We meet up with the Joe’s in Ranch Mirage to meet the new dog Watson.  It was nice to see the people too.  Erin and Sophia are excited about the new member of the family.  Ginger learns to get into a pool, but still is leary of the deep water.

Shower nearing completion



Just need to do some tile work, and add a couple mirrors. At least we can start using it again, it was out of commission for almost a week.

Postal Kitties



We have a cat named Alice that hangs out at the Post Office. She had 8 kittens on Thursday afternoon.

PCT Hiking Season


Ginger and I saw about 8 thru hikers plus some day trippers on our Cañada Verde hike today.  Next weekend is kick off event for the Pacific Crest Trail.  Dennis says Post Office has been buddy with resupply boxes.

Finger Update

Dennis’ finger looked like it was healing good this morning when we changed the bandage, but it was pretty deep. He’s going to have the doctor look at it today when he’s in town.

Easter Day at Shadow Mountain


We finished our projects early today, so we took a road trip to the winery with Ginger. We are going to head to the County Line Restaurant for Easter lunch.

Last Burn


Ginger has hurt her paw, so we skipped walk and stated our last burn for the year. Happy Easter.